Role Of Music In Farmers’ Protest: A Study


  • Navpreet Kaur


Music, Protest, Medium, Delhi, Government, Farmers


Music is considered as one of the oldest forms of expression. It is a universal language which is always used by the educators, students, activists as a way of community protest against the governments or the authorities. Protesting through the music has become one of the media where people chooses musical notes as a way be vocal and loud for the oppression. A way of reaching people at large and where people can be educated, informed, motivated and to raise consciousness both emotionally and intellectually. The music is a way of bringing social change and social justice to the society at large. The paper aims to understand the ability of the music in the on going farmer’s protest in Delhi against the Centre Government for the New Agriculture bill.


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R. Aadnani, ― Beyond Rai: North African protest music and poetry. World Literature Today.,‖ pp. 59–63, 2006.

J. Attali, ―Noise: The political economy of music. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.,‖ pp. 55–68, 1977.

John Street, Music as Political Communication The Oxford Handbook of Political Communication. 2014.

John Sloboda, Can Music Teaching Be a Powerful Tool for Social Justice. The Oxford Handbook, 2015.

and P. W. Cathy Benedict, Patrick Schmidt, Gary Spruce, Social Justice in Music Education. The oxford Handbook, 2016.

E. Drott, Music and the elusive revolution: Cultural politics and political culture in France. Berkeley: University of California Press.




How to Cite

Kaur, N. . (2021). Role Of Music In Farmers’ Protest: A Study. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 2546–2553. Retrieved from