Stimulating Foreign Language Teachers' Professional Competence


  • Shukurova Marifat Xodjiakbar qizi
  • Nasiba Mulladjanova Azimdjanovna
  • Laylo Yakhshiboeva Abdusattorovna
  • Nargiza Samandarova Muxammadovna


competence, competency, professional competence, foreign language teaching


The article provides an essential data about what is competence, competency and professional competences of foreign language teachers. It analyses how these terms are interconnected to one another and how they contrast. It defines variety of viewpoints of different scholars. The article presents the general and specific background about the target concepts and their contemporary worth. It is possible to identify how the theory is applied into practice in the sphere of foreign language teaching. The details are given step by step in order to clarify how the study is progressed. It creates the logical flow for the reader.


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How to Cite

qizi, S. M. X. ., Azimdjanovna, N. M. ., Abdusattorovna, L. Y. ., & Muxammadovna, N. S. . (2021). Stimulating Foreign Language Teachers’ Professional Competence. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 1344–1356. Retrieved from