
  • Varsha Rustagi
  • Yashika


Firm Performance, Corporate Governance Disclosure Index,Tobin’s Q, Fixed Effect Model, Random Effect Model, Feasible Generalized Least Square.


There is a need to find a comprehensive answer to the corporate governance changes that are now underway in India, one that tends to the country-explicit troubles in an Indian setting. In sync with overall patterns, India's administration has carried out measures to expand corporate, social, and ecological exposures. The research compares the corporate governance practices of Indian corporations in FY 2012-2013 and FY 2015-2016 to examine whether the changes were successful (FY 2012-2013 as Period 1) and if they were ineffective (FY 2015-2016 as Period 2). (FY 2015-2016 as Period 2). The corporate governance performance (CGP) index was created in accordance with the 49 noclauseof the posting concurrence with the Securities Exchange Board of Indiato quantify the internal control score of Indian companies.

Other performance indicators include Profitability,Return on Equity and Return on Invested Capital in addition to Tobin's Q and the Market to Book Value Ratio. For our economic study, we use the Year-wise Normal Least Squares Regression model, the Pooled OLS model, and the Panel Data Model. The connection among CGDI and firm outcome measures has gotten stronger over time, according to the results of the year-by-year OLS regression analysis. According to the results of the research, CGDI has a favorable influence on business results evaluation on the both business and bookkeeping indicators.

Financial success and the integrated framework of overall corporate financial responsibility were only strongly connected in period 1 of the research, according to the findings. Due to corporate governance improvements in period 2, financial ties across Indian markets do not vary much.


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How to Cite

Rustagi, V. ., & Yashika. (2021). COMPANY PERFORMANCE AS RELATED TO CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DISCLAIMER INDEX. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(6), 1605–1617. Retrieved from