Corporate Hedging Models: A Review




Finance, Hedging, Insurance Contract, Literature, Risk Management, Capital Structure.


 This study completes an analysis of the literature reviewed of frameworks that include a sensible hedging of corporations and also discusses the issues of corporate finance, including funding and acquisition. Hedging is either a related insurance policy or an associated operation to reduce the association between the cost and the random variable associated with the selling of by- products. It has been inferred that the hedge company lowers several costs such as trouble value, organization valuation and the cost of leverage while considering the fashionable financial theories once calmly developed by Miller and Modigliani (M-M). In addition, the area unit of hedging designs clarified the detrimental option reduction. The mostly focused models of the related integrative manner are also gifts in the review process. Organizational risk management is one of the most important questions for managers and clients. The risks management of the firm mostly relies on hedging by retaining futures or making policies to reduce unnecessary damage as a result of negative movements of the underlying properties. Throughout this study the analysis concentrates on risk-neutral non-financial companies only. It summarizes diverse theoretical and analytical studies which have economic basis for non-financial companies' hedger operation in the financial system.


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How to Cite

JAIN, D. M. . (2021). Corporate Hedging Models: A Review. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 651–657. Retrieved from