Do Service Quality, Price, and Comfort Affect Consumer Satisfaction: The Study of Ride-Hailing Services in Malaysia


  • Wan Farha Wan Zulkiffli
  • Nik Alif Amri Nik Hashim
  • Munirah Mahshar
  • Derweanna Bah Simpong
  • Nur Izzati Mohamad Anuar
  • Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad
  • Nur Dalila Mat Yusoff


Ride-Hailing Services, Satisfaction, Service Quality, Malaysia


The purpose of this study is to examine how service quality, price, and comfort affect consumer satisfaction towards ride-hailing services in Malaysia. In view of several ride- hailing service issues such as frequent booking cancellation by the drivers and increased scheduled price due to the unavailability of drivers, the consumers have, in turn, expressed a low level of satisfaction towards ride-hailing services in Malaysia. Hence, this study employed a quantitative technique to identify the associations between service quality, price, and comfort with consumer satisfaction towards ride-hailing services in Malaysia by distributing 250 questionnaires to the younger generation of age 18-35 years old in Klang Valley. All research hypotheses were accepted, thus affirming service quality, price, and comfort as the main factors influencing consumer satisfaction.


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Zulkiffli, W.F.W., Mahshar, M., Hashim, N.A.A.N., Anuar, N.I.M., Muhammad, M.Z. Investigating The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Case Study: Ride-Hailing Service in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 13(12), 5423-5428.




How to Cite

Zulkiffli, W. F. W. ., Hashim, N. A. A. N. ., Mahshar, M. ., Simpong, D. B. ., Anuar, N. I. M. ., Muhammad, M. Z. ., & Yusoff, N. D. M. . (2021). Do Service Quality, Price, and Comfort Affect Consumer Satisfaction: The Study of Ride-Hailing Services in Malaysia. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(2), 4562–4571. Retrieved from

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