The Main Tasks Of Farms And Dekhkan Farms In Ensuring Productive Security In Uzbekistan


  • Gulnoza Tokhirovna Samiyeva


Food security, malnutrition, forms of malnutrition, share of farms and dekhkan households.


This article talks about ensuring food security and what an important role farmers and dekhkan farms plays its. The problem of food security is exacerbated by the narrowing of the gap between the possibilities of agricultural production to meet the standards of human health per capita, and therefore it is necessary to study ways to solve the provision  of  food  for humanity.


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How to Cite

Samiyeva, G. T. . (2021). The Main Tasks Of Farms And Dekhkan Farms In Ensuring Productive Security In Uzbekistan. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 3897–3902. Retrieved from