Social Media Marketing Versus Conventi0nal Marketing In The Motor Industry


  • Mustafa Kamil AL-Kanaani
  • Faris Salah Najm
  • Wijdan Hasan Hamoody


Social media has made as the depicting plan in the most recent decade and keeps adjusting correspondence and connection between people, frameworks, government and business. Bosses and supporters are grapping with the basic effect of the quickly pushing social media on viral customer conveyed substance, and its effect on surrounding consumer affirmations and the steadily changing scenes for the creation business cases to proactively connect with associates. The effect of social media on marketing from brand building, exchanges and raising to customization and customer obligation. The ascent of the Internet and Social media specifically into the more extensive cultural setting, which happened simultaneously with the progression ihn and well known reception of data innovation.


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How to Cite

AL-Kanaani, M. K. ., Najm, F. S. . ., & Hamoody, W. H. . . (2021). Social Media Marketing Versus Conventi0nal Marketing In The Motor Industry. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(1), 923–936. Retrieved from