
  • RAFFAR Abdelkader el Amir PhD, Sidi bel abbes University, Algeria


green training, training needs assessment, training design, training effectiveness, training evaluation, competencies development


This study aims to show the impact of green training on competencies development in Chiali company. We took a sample of 85 individuals who are distributed on different professional categories.  After treating data of a sample of 79 individuals using SmartPLS3, the results show the following: There is a positive impact of training needs assessment on competencies development for Chiali company. Moreover, there is a positive impact of training design on competencies development for Chiali company, there is a positive impact of training effectiveness on competencies development for Chiali company, finally, there is a positive impact of training evaluation on competencies development for Chiali company. 


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How to Cite

Abdelkader el Amir , R. . (2024). ANALYZING THE IMPACT OF GREEN TRAINING ON COMPETENCIES DEVELOPMENT USING PLS-SEM -CASE STUDY: CHIALI COMPANY. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 30(1), 206–222. Retrieved from