The use of Financial Indicators in Evaluating the Financial Performance of the SAIDAL Company


  • Houda Maaref
  • Yahiaoui Naima


Performance evaluation, financial ratios, working capital, financial indicators.


Financial indicators are essential tools for investors and lenders to assess a company'sfinancial performance and ability to meet its financial obligations. This study aims to investigatehow financial indicators can be used to evaluate the financial performance of SAIDAL, a publiclytraded company in Algeria. The study uses data from SAIDAL's financial statements for the period2018- 2020 to assess the company's level of financial performance and its ability to use financialindicators to make sound decisions. The study finds that SAIDAL achieved long-term financialstability throughout the study period, as evidenced by its working capital results.


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How to Cite

Maaref, H. ., & Naima, Y. . (2023). The use of Financial Indicators in Evaluating the Financial Performance of the SAIDAL Company. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 29(4), 124–141. Retrieved from