
  • Dr. Divya Kumar Agrawal State Bank institute of credit and risk management, Gurugram
  • Ms. Lakshmi R Dr. N.S.A.M. First Grade College, Bengaluru
  • Ms. Ambreen Aisha HKBK Degree College, Bengaluru
  • Ms. Lakshmi SN KIMS, Bengaluru


Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Retail Bank, Standard Processing Time (SPT) and Crafting Complaint Resolution Mechanism (CCRM


The prime objective of the research work is to develop a framework for Customer Relationship Management Model (CRMM), applicable to Indian retail banks and to analyze the influence of service quality on customer behavior with respective to retail banks. The results of the research study reveal that there appears to be lack of awareness with the bank employees as well as adoption of CRM packages available in the market. It is suggested that the successful implementation of CRM package can be achieved only if the bank can create the right environment, culture and attitude of the employee aiming to serve the customers in the best possible manner.


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How to Cite

Kumar Agrawal, D. D., Ms. Lakshmi R, Aisha, M. A. ., & Ms. Lakshmi SN. (2022). CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN INDIAN RETAIL BANKING INDUSTRY. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 28(4), 20–29. Retrieved from