Access to Finance for African SMEs: Do Women Entrepreneurs face Discrimination.


  • Muhammad Taqi
  • Salyha Zulfiqar Ali Shah
  • Muhammad Sibt e Ali
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Muhammad Yousuf


SME, Women Entrepreneur, Africa, Gender Gap


This study examines the gender disparity in Africa‟s small and medium business (SME) credit market. It shows how capital market imperfections can lead to second best solutions, so this research is significant for emerging economies. The gender gap between men and women is still there in Africa, and unless particular efforts are made to address the underlying issues today, it will continue to increase. The fact that black women make up the majority of the self-employed population isn't reflected in present industry targets for company activity, which is a problem. Women-owned businesses in Africa face unique problems, and this study evaluates whether financial service providers in the country are adequately aware of these issues.


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How to Cite

Taqi, M. ., Shah, S. Z. A. . ., Ali, M. S. e ., Ali, M. ., & Yousuf, M. . (2021). Access to Finance for African SMEs: Do Women Entrepreneurs face Discrimination. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(6), 1569–1588. Retrieved from