A Systematic Approach to Smart Agriculture Using Iot Initiative


  • S.Shyam Moha
  • Moola Ramu
  • K. Venkata Reddy


Smart agriculture, IOT, Sensor technology


Environment changes and normal precipitation has been extremely powerful over last decade. Because of the present circumstance, environment keen techniques called as shrewd horticulture is received by farming area. Brilliant horticulture is a robotized and coordinated data innovation carried out with the IoT. IOT is growing quickly and broadly applied in every single remote climate. In this paper, sensor innovation and remote organizations mix of IOT innovation has been examined and evaluated dependent on the real circumstance of rural framework. A consolidated methodology with web and remote interchanges, Far off Checking Framework is proposed. Significant goal is to gather constant information of horticulture creation climate that gives simple admittance to farming offices like alarms through Short Kneading Administration and advices on climate design, crops and so on.


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How to Cite

Moha, S. ., Ramu, M. ., & Reddy, K. V. . (2021). A Systematic Approach to Smart Agriculture Using Iot Initiative. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(6), 154–158. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/2172