
  • Mamadjanov Zokirjon
  • Mukhtorjon Sobirov


A number of scientific researches on the development of technologies for obtaining fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients on the basis of local raw materials have been organized at a high level in our country and theoretical and practical results have been achieved on the basis of wide-coverage measures on the development of economically effective methods of their application in agriculture. In this regard, it is an important task to create a technology of complex production of new varieties with high efficiency on the basis of Central Red cumin phosphates. Proceeding from this, it was studied to obtain a new type of complex fertilizers on the basis of chlorphosphoric acid porridge, urea and potassium chloride, decomposed in hydrochloric acid thermocentrate obtained from Central Redwood phosphorites.


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Production of NPK fertilizers based on the thermal concentrate of the Kyzylkum deposit, urea-ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride // Universum: chemistry and biology : electron. scientific. journal. Rozikova D.A. [et al.]. 2020. № 8 (74). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/10594

Roziqova, D. A., et al. "Obtaining Nitrogen-Phosphoric-Potassium Fertilizers Based on Waste Thermal Concentrate, Ammonium Nitrate and Potassium Chloride." International Journal of AdvancedResearch in Science, Engineering and Technology 7.7 (2020): 14501-14504.

Roziqova, D. A., et al. "Production of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers based on washed hot concentrate, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride." ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 10.9 (2020): 215-220.

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Sobirov, Mukhtor M.; Tadjiev, Sayiddin M.; Sultonov, Bokhodir E. Preparation of phosphorus-potassium-nitrogen containing liquid suspension fertilizers with insecticidal activity // Journal of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy . 2015, Vol. 50 Issue 5, p631-637. 7p.

Ikramov M.H., Sabirov M.M., Gadzhiev S.M. Suspended complex NPK fertilizer based on calcium-containing sludge

// Universum: chemistry and biology : electron. scientific. journal. 2018. No. 1 (55). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/6737

Ikramov M.H., Sabirov M.M., Gadzhiev S.M. Suspended complex NPK fertilizer from local raw materials // Universum: chemistry and biology : electron. scientific. journal. 2018. No. 1 (55). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/nature/archive/item/6779

Sh. V. Rakhmanov, M.M.Sobirov, R. M. Nazirova, A. A. HoshimovStudy of the kinetics of decomposition of sulfur- containing phosmoic nitric acid // Scientific-technical journal. STJ>Vol. 24 (2020)>Iss. 4 10.SobirovMukhtorjonMahammadjanovich, SultonovBokhodirElbekovich, TajievSayfuddinMuhitdinovich Suspended sulfur containing fertilizers based on low-grade Kyzyl-kumphosphorites // Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences. 2016. №7-8. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/suspended-sulfur-containing-fertilizers-based-on-low- grade-kyzyl-kum-phosphorites

Собиров М.М., Таджиев С.М., Султонов Б.Э.Получение суспендированных серосодержащих NPK-удобрений на основе необогащенной фосфоритовой муки // Химическая промышленность. 2017. Т. 94. № 3. С. 129-135.

Собиров М.М., Таджиев С.М., Султонов Б.Э.Получение суспендированных NPK-удобрений с инсектицидной активностью // Химическая промышленность. 2016. Т. 93. № 3. С. 119-125.

Собиров М.М., Таджиев С.М., Султонов Б.ЭИзучение процесса пенообразования при разложении серосодержащих высококарбонатных фосфоритов азотной кислотой // Химия и химическая технология. 2017.

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Rozikova D. A. et al. Obtaining NPK fertilizers based on the thermal concentrate of the Kyzylkum deposit, urea- ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride //Universum: chemistry and biology. – 2020. – №. 8-2 (74).

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How to Cite

Zokirjon, M. ., & Sobirov, M. . (2021). CENTRAL RESIN PHOSPHORITE HYDROCHLORIC ACID DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS, OBTAINING NPK-FERTILIZERS ON THE BASIS OF UREA AND POTASSIUM CHLORIDE. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(5), 2472–2474. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/2101