Thoroughly examining the influence of managerial accounting on organizational performance with Heckman two-step technique


  • Quang Linh Huynh


Heckman two-step technique, Organizational performance, Managerial accounting, Organizational characteristics, Business environment


The implementation of managerial accounting practices in business has been broadly recognized as a determinant of organizational performance. Earlier studies have not taken sample selection bias problem into consideration when examining this relationship. The current work scrutinizes the relation from managerial accounting adoption to organizational performance by employing Heckman two-step technique. The data was collected from 302 publicly listed enetrprises in Vietnam’s main Stock Exchanges. The findings suggest there exists sample selection bias in the causal link from the implementation of managerial accounting practices to organizational performance. The current research is helpful to managerial accounting scholars as well as business executives, in shedding light on the association between managerial accounting practices and organizational performance. The findings could help directors in their business decisions on adopting managerial accounting practices which should correspond to their organizational characteristics and business environment, where they can obtain the best organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Huynh, Q. L. . (2021). Thoroughly examining the influence of managerial accounting on organizational performance with Heckman two-step technique. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(5), 58–67. Retrieved from