
  • Vani S Badiger
  • Dr.anashree. T.S


Data aggregation, Internet of Things, Power productivity, Power utilization, Network lifetime.


Energy Efficiency is one of the essential difficulties in remote sensor arrange (WSNs) provisioning for continuous information, for example, sound and video in huge Internet of Things. Information collection based plans are exceptionally utilized so as to keep up attractive assistance nature of the detected information from the earth, such plans accumulate and total information parcels in an effective way in order to build arrange lifetime, lessen power utilization, organize overhead, traffic clog, and information exactness, and so forth. In this paper, a power effective hybrid information aggregation (PEHDA) plot is proposed. The proposed conspire consolidates a portion of the attentional highlights of the group and tree-based information collection plans while tending to a portion of their significant restrictions. Reproduction results show that power effective hybrid data aggregation (PEHDA) beats group and tree-based conglomeration conspires regarding power utilization, arrange lifetime, and transmission inactivity.


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How to Cite

Badiger, V. S. ., & T.S, D. (2021). ENERY EFFICIENT NEW DATA AGGREGATION METHOD FOR IoT. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 1834–1848. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/1793