
  • Dr. Sumitha Manoj
  • Anusha S Gowda
  • Chaitra S
  • Likitha Y


transmission map. Dehaze, defog, picture reclamation, profundity estimation.


Cloudiness evacuation for a solitary picture is comprehended to be a difficult poorly presented issue in PC vision. The exhibition of past picture dehazing technique is confined by the convenience of hand-structured highlights. Cloudiness is one among the preeminent significant elements which decrease the outside picture quality. Leaving approaches regularly plan to style their models bolstered standards of fogs. During this paper, we propose a simple yet compelling picture earlier channel before expel dimness from one info picture. The dim channel earlier might be a very measurement of outside dimness free pictures. Its bolstered a key perception most neighborhood fixes in open air dimness free pictures contain a few pixels whose power is unbelievably low in at least one shading channel. Utilizing this earlier with the cloudiness imaging model, we can straightforwardly assess the thickness of the dimness and recoup a top notch fog free picture. Results on an assortment of dim pictures show the intensity of the proposed earlier.


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How to Cite

Manoj, D. S. ., Gowda, A. S. ., S, C. ., & Y, L. . (2021). HAZE REMOVAL SYSTEM USING IMAGE PROCESSING. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 1731–1740. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/1783