
  • Prabhaharan J
  • Preetham K
  • Pavan Kumar Shetty
  • Koushik V Shetty
  • Dhiraj S Suthar


Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, pre-processing


Image process is most typically victimized framework in medical imaging. A foundation uncovering is alive for its trustiness and warrant that delivers a stronger understanding of seeable representation within the applications of laptop modality, same prosy catching, confronting perception, and recording force succeed. Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms are principally victimized for analyzing the medical pictures which may make, stage and categorize the tumor into sub classes, coherent with that the identification would be through by the professionals. during this production, we've mentioned the technique that's used for tumor pre-processing, and sorting.


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How to Cite

J, P. ., K, P. ., Shetty, P. K. ., Shetty, K. V. ., & Suthar, D. S. . (2021). A DYNAMIC APPROACH FOR BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION USING EDGE DETECTION TECHNIQUE. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 1650–1663. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/1775