The behavior of the company in the conditions of monopoly. Antitrust policy of the state.




Monopoly, firm, economic profit, income, prices, competition, market demand, market economy, antitrust policy.


 The scientific article reveals the essence of monopoly, its types, the behavior of the company in the conditions of monopoly. The role of the state in regulating the activities of monopolies is considered. A set of measures on antimonopoly policy is proposed.


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How to Cite

NIKOLAEVICH, B. V. ., MIKHAILOVICH, B. N. ., MIKHAILOVNA, B. I. ., & VALERIEVICH, G. V. . (2021). The behavior of the company in the conditions of monopoly. Antitrust policy of the state. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 1452–1458. Retrieved from