Educational Leadership and Management




Educational administration scholarship, Head teachers, principals, Research on principals, School leaders.


The area of education management and leadership is pluralist, with many conflicting views and the resulting lack of consensus on the specific disciplinary existence. Educational leadership is of great importance in early part of the 21st Century because of the common perception that leadership efficiency is the school and student outcomes are significantly different. Additionally, there is growing awareness that schools need successful leaders and administrators to provide their learners with the education they should be. Schools required committed and trained teachers but in turn they need highly effective leadership & support from different senior and middle managers. Although the required for successful leader is generally recognized, there is far less assurance about which leaderships practices are more likely to deliver desirable outcomes. Paper explore the theoretical staining for the fields of management and educational leadership, analyze various leaderships model, & address the proof of their comparative efficacy in creating productive schools.


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T. Bush, “2 Models of educational leadership and management,” in Theories of educational leadership and management, 2011.

R. Alonderiene and M. Majauskaite, “Leadership style and job satisfaction in higher education institutions,” Int. J. Educ. Manag., 2016.

J. Lumby, “Distributed Leadership: The Uses and Abuses of Power,” Educ. Manag. Adm. Leadersh., 2013.

C. Mainemelis, R. Kark, and O. Epitropaki, “Creative Leadership: A Multi-Context Conceptualization,” Acad. Manag. Ann., 2015.

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D. van Knippenberg and S. B. Sitkin, “A critical assessment of charismatic—transformational leadership research: Back to the drawing board?,” Acad. Manag. Ann., 2013.

R. J. Ely, H. Ibarra, and D. M. Kolb, “Taking gender into account: Theory and design for women’s leadership development programs,” Academy of Management Learning and Education. 2011.

A. E. Randel et al., “Inclusive leadership: Realizing positive outcomes through belongingness and being valued for uniqueness,” Hum. Resour. Manag. Rev., 2018.




How to Cite

SHANAZ, D. R. . (2021). Educational Leadership and Management. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 606–613. Retrieved from