The issue of two women in the korean art world




Han Kil Don, Korean literature, Chunhyan, virtuous, intelligent woman, “duet”, Qurbonjon Dodkhokh, Uzbek Oyim, Kumushbibi.


Without a woman, there would be no literature. Literature was created primarily for a woman, for a woman, to win her heart, to know what she wants, to understand what a woman is. As Abdullah Qahhor said, the male bird also sings. Word art is, first of all, the work of a man, so the main problem that interests a person will be the main problem of literature. Therefore, the main character of literature, the main theme is a woman[1].


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How to Cite

SAIDAZIMOVA, U. T. . (2021). The issue of two women in the korean art world. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 303–308. Retrieved from