A framework for integration of digital product presentations for enhancing market share in Indian MSME''''s.


  • Krishnamurthy KB
  • Dr. Mohan Kumar S
  • Dr. Prashanth Chittaranjan
  • Dr. Aravindrao.M. Yadwad
  • Dr. Hema Patil


• Digital product presentation (DPP) • Micro • Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) • E-Commerce • Artificial Intelligence • consumer buying decisions • consumer satisfaction


With    a    tremendous    growth    in    e-commerce,    digital     product     presentation     (DPP)     has gained widespread popularity, due to the number of advantages offered such as display options, 3D views, video, and audio, etc. The present study aimed to assess the impact of DPP   on consumer buying decisions and satisfaction, along with the challenges faced by MSMEs in using DPP. This study was conducted a survey of 124 consumers of different   products   that   are marketed using DPP technology. Moreover, interviews were carried out   with   five   MSMEs marketing representatives that use DPP for marketing of their products. The results indicated that digital product   presentation   have   a   significant   impact    on    consumer    buying    decisions    and satisfaction due to advantages such   as   enjoyable   shopping   experience,   easy   availability   of product information and a simpler decision-making process.


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How to Cite

Krishnamurthy KB, Kumar S, D. M. ., Chittaranjan, D. P. ., Yadwad, D. A. ., & Patil, D. H. . (2019). A framework for integration of digital product presentations for enhancing market share in Indian MSME’’’’s. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 25(1), 126–133. Retrieved from https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/158