The national-cultural features of the language of modern advertising (Comparative study)




advertising, globalization, information, language, slogan, television, values, digital strategy, Public Relations (PR).


In the contemporary world, advertising is presented to researchers multifaceted phenomenon. A number of field of sciences are engaged in its study: journalism, sociology, psychology, economics, Public Relations(PR), etc. The variety of approaches and methods of studying the phenomenon of advertising proves its versatility and at the same time the complexity of its study. Advertising as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon affecting all spheres of public life has recently increasingly found itself in the center of scientific comprehension. The question of its study is becoming important for a wide range of humanities. The national–cultural and linguistic research of advertising is acquiring significant significance at the present time. At the cultural level the modern advertising makes a great deal on the current business affairs.


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How to Cite

SOBIROVNA, M. Q. ., & NAJIMOVNA, O. L. . (2021). The national-cultural features of the language of modern advertising (Comparative study). The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(3), 101–105. Retrieved from