
  • Mukhitdinova FiryuzaAbdurashidovna
  • Amaniyazova SvetaBayniyazovna


government, democracy, electronic, law, politics, culture.


The article discusses the main directions of the evolution of e-government. The theoretical aspects of e-government: and the impact of e-government on the effectiveness of the state anti- corruption policy of the country is analyzed. The process of adaptation of e-government by state organizations is identified; the growing crisis of representative democracy is identified, as well as the role of e-government at the present stage in Uzbekistan and the legal basis for modernization.


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How to Cite

FiryuzaAbdurashidovna, M. ., & SvetaBayniyazovna, A. . (2021). STATE STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING E-GOVERNMENT AT THE PRESENT STAGE. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(2), 5950–5957. Retrieved from