State supervision in the People's Republic of China




Law of the People's Republic of China “On Supervision”, the CPC of the PRC, the system of state supervision in the PRC, the state supervisory authority, the National Supervisory Committee, amendments to the CPC of the PRC, amendments to the Constitution of the PRC, reform of the state supervision system.


 The choice of this topic was due to the desire of the author to highlight some of the provisions of the PRC Law "On Supervision", the provisions of the Constitution of the PRC regarding the creation of a state supervisory authority. The author touches upon the theme of the reform of the state supervision system, the purpose of which is to pool resources for fighting corruption, creating unified and effective state control with Chinese characteristics. The article also presents the amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of the People's Republic of China, which took place in October 2018, among which it is said about the improvement of the mechanism of supervision in connection with the adoption of the Law of the People's Republic of China “On Supervision”. In this paper, the author examines in detail the authority, composition, and responsibilities of the highest supervisory authority of the PRC - the National Supervisory Committee of the PRC (NSC). The article lists the officials who are supervised by the supervisory authority under the Law of the People's Republic of China “On Supervision”. Special attention is paid to the detention of a person by the organs of the National Supervisory Committee of People's Republic of China, as a measure restricting the freedom of the individual. In the course of writing the work, the author concludes that the creation of a state supervisory authority was a great achievement for the PRC regarding the fight against corruption crimes.


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The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China [Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó xiànfǎ] [Electronic resource].-URL: (date of the application: 21.03.2021.) .

Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China [Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó jiānchá fǎ] [Electronic resource].-URL: (date of the application: 21.03.2021.).

Interpretation of the Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China [Jiědú “zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó jiānchá fǎ”] [Electronic resource].-URL: (date of the application 21.03.2021. ).

Xīnhuá Wǎng (Xīnhuá Wǎng) Explanation of the Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft) [Guānyú “zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó jiānchá fǎ (cǎo'àn)” de shuōmíng – 14.03.2018. [Electronic resource].-URL:

html?newstype=3&expert_analysis_flag=1&act=detail&access=content_detail&keyword=5Lit5Y2 O5Lq65rCR5YWx5ZKM5Zu955uR5a%2Bf5rOV&t_kw=5Lit5Y2O5Lq65rCR5YWx5ZKM5Zu955uR5a

%2Bf5rOV&eng=1&lang=en&prid=e44e553e-f6af-5c87-2720-69b0a0093fcf&crid= 614b4696-0514-4b31- 8a52-26e6ad5a0c4b (date of the application: 21.03.2021.).

Shi Rui (Shǐ Ruì) talks about mind-related compliance pre-service from the implementation of the Supervision Law [Cóng “jiānchá fǎ” shíshī tánxīn shì hé guī zhī qián zhì fúwù] – 25.01.2019. [Electronic resource].-URL : 318975.html?newstype=3&expert_analysis_flag=1&act=detail&access=content_detail&keyword=5Lit5Y2 O5Lq65rCR5YWx5ZKM5Zu955uR5a%2Bf5rOV&t_kw=5Lit5Y2O5Lq65rCR5YWx5ZKM5Zu955uR5a

%2Bf5rOV&eng=1&lang=en&prid=&crid=b9674112-e827-43cb-91cd -de28f8d4ced5 (date of the application: 21.03.2021.).




How to Cite

ZAKHARENKOVA, V. V. . (2021). State supervision in the People’s Republic of China. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(2), 3655–3659. Retrieved from