TSKHURBAEVA, FATIMAT KHASBIEVNA, NAZGUL’ BAKYTOVNA DAVLETBAEVA, VALENTINA BATRAZOVNA DZOBELOVA, FERDAUS YAKHIEVNA POLONKOEVA, and AINAGUL MAKSUTOVNA IMANBEKOVA. “Development of Innovative Import Substitution in the Agro-Industrial Complex As a Key Factor in Overcoming Interregional Differentiation and Depression of Agrarian-Oriented and Highly Subsidized North Caucasian Republics”. The journal of contemporary issues in business and government 26, no. 2 (August 30, 2020): 3955–3960. Accessed January 5, 2025. https://cibgp.com/au/index.php/1323-6903/article/view/504.