The Economic Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Jordan


  • Dr. Shadi Arshid Muslim Saraireh


Economics, market performance, COVID-19, Jordan


COVID-19 is observed as a significant economic threat for the economies across the globe. This research paper specifically focuses on the case of Jordon. It evaluates whether COVID-19 crisis has significantly affected the country's economy. Based on the objective, the study applies a quantitative methodology to assess the problem. It assumes stock market performance as a representation of economic performance and examines the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Jordon's Amman SE General Index price and returns. Considering the sample periods before and during the COVID-19 outbreak, the study finds that the COVID-19 period exhibit both lower index price and index returns at 0.01 level. Similarly, the impact of COVID-19's new cases is significant and negative on the performance of the stock market. Based on the findings, this research recommends to focus on COVID's negative economic implications.


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How to Cite

Saraireh, D. S. A. M. . (2021). The Economic Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Jordan. The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 27(2), 1183–1197. Retrieved from